Far-out, freaky films, ranging from works of mad genius and epics of Bad Taste to so-bad-it's-good outrageousness. Just the thing if you feel like watching something out of the ordinary, or some post-pub entertainment with your mates (if they don't leave halfway through). The following titles are my personal selection of outstanding examples of film at its wierdest!
Any list of groovy movies has to include what us fans call 'BVD'. This was softcore director Russ Meyer's only film for a major studio, and watching this, it's not hard to see why! Meyer took the trashy 'soap and schlock' formula of "Valley of the Dolls", but about an all-girl rock group instead of actresses. Imagine a psychedelic, X rated version of Josie And The Pussycats, with a bit of Scooby Doo and Melrose Place thrown in. The Carrie Nations' music rocks - sort of Jefferson Airplane meets Mamas & Papas. "Find It" is my favourite song. The film is full of quotable 'groovy' dialogue ("This is my happening and it freaks me out!" being its most famous line), and the editing is the best I have ever seen in any film - cut together like a 90-minute pop video, with clips intercut with dialogue, and flash-forwards, it's a helluva ride. |
FREAKS (1932)
If any film can be described as unique, then "Freaks" has got to be it. Made by "Dracula" director Tod Browning, it's about a travelling carnival in which a trapeze artist discovers that one of the freaks, a midget, has a huge fortune and plots with the strongman to marry him and then murder him. The fellow 'freaks' come to his rescue and have their revenge on the couple. Controversially, Browning used real-life freakshow artists in this film, and although the strongman and trapeze artist are shown to be the real 'monsters', it's this which makes the film so disturbingly compelling. Original punks The Ramones used the freaks' rally cry of "We accept you, we accept you, one of us!" in their song "Pinhead" in 1977. |
A very obscure British science fiction film, Jon Finch (Frenzy, Macbeth) plays Michael Moorcock's flamboyant hero Jerry Cornelius ; anticipating Laurence Llewelyn Bowen with his curly black locks, frilly shirts and foppish velvet suits, Cornelius is a dandyish scientist and playboy, dragged into a quest for his dead father's 'final programme' - a microfilm blueprint of the next stage in mankind's evolution. Along the way we meet the sinister Dr Smiles, the bisexual doctor Miss Brunner who physically absorbs her lovers, and Jerry's smackhead brother Frank, all of whom are also after the microfilm. The film also features a very unusual soundtrack, a collaboration between trad jazz saxophonist Gerry Mulligan and experimental synthesiser duo Beaver and Krause. |
Loosely based on Terry Southern's cult novel of the same name, "The Magic Christian" is a typically late '60s satire on materialism; with Peter Sellers as the eccentric millionairre Guy Grand who takes a homeless man (Ringo Starr) under his wing, and sets out to show his charge that everyone has their price, by concocting elaborate pranks and bets. John Cleese and Graham Chapman helped out on the script, and Monty Python fans will enjoy seeing lots of scenes and ideas not dissimilar to those used in the TV series a year later. Chockablock with cameos from Christopher Lee, Hattie Jacques, Spike Milligan, Richard Attenborough, Wilfred Hyde-White amongst others; and great use of Badfinger's "Come & Get It" and Thunderclap Newman's "Something In The Air". Worth the price of admission for a scene in which Yul Brynner, in full drag, sings "Mad About The Boy", to a clearly uncomfortable Roman Polanski; and Laurence Harvey performing a strip tease during Hamlet's "To be or not to be" speech; and Raquel Welch in charge of a rowing galley of nude women! |
Ken Russell has made some pretty wierd films in his time, but "Lisztomania" has to take the biscuit, cigar and complimentary T-shirt. It portrays Franz Liszt as the first pop star, played by Roger Daltrey (who had just done "Tommy" with Russell), with a synthesizer soundtrack of electrified Liszt and Wagner by Rick Wakeman. What can you say about a film that features Paul Nicholas, that charming man from "Just Good Friends", playing Richard Wagner - first as a matelot-wearing revolutionary brandishing a Superman comic (geddit), then a Dracula-cum-mad-scientist figure, and finally reincarnated as a Hitler/Frankenstein robot gunning down Jews with a Swastika-shaped guitar; not to mention a scene in which Daltrey sprouts a fourteen foot latex phallus straddled by four harpies who use it as a maypole; and Ringo Starr plays the Pope? I can't even begin to describe the completely preposterous final scene... |
Of all the films director/producer Paul Morrissey made with Andy Warhol's Superstars at the Factory, "Women In Revolt" is the most interesting - although "Heat", their inversion of "Sunset Boulevard" comes a close second. It's about three women - played by transvestites Jackie Curtis, Holly Woodlawn and Candy Darling - who form a feminist group PIGs (Politically Involved Girls), only for each of them to self-destruct in their own way. It was never intended as a deep satire of the women's liberation movement, and is clearly a reaction to Warhol's attempted assassination by Valerie Solanis in 1968. The three drag queens make compelling viewing in every scene, their androgyny and role-playing creating an epic of gender confusion, and Jackie Curtis is a revelation, wringing sympathy out of her often unlikable character, and coming out with some inspired improvisations. |
THE BABY (1971)
HEAD (1968)
We all know that the Monkees were a manufactured pop band - although they did actually play and write, very well too, but that's another story - but how many other bands have committed commercial suicide so spectacularly by sending up and destroying their image? Matinee idol Victor Mature appears as a giant 'The Big Victor' (representing their record label RCA Victor) attempting to crush the prefab four underfoot; Frank Zappa gives Davy Jones career advice; and the Monkees appear in sketches that send-up their TV personas, and the film is intercut with clips of Vietnam war footage, news clips, bits of old films and 'man in the street' interviews. The soundtrack is worth seeking out, with lots of dialogue cut-ups and some incredible songs, written by Carole King, Harry Nilsson and other talented types. "Head" was made by the team that went on to make "Easy Rider" the following year (Bob Rafelson, Bert Schneider and Jack Nicholson) - apparently the film was called "Head" so that "Easy Rider" could be promoted with the tag-line "From the people who gave you 'Head'"! |
If you enjoy off-the-wall films, you can find out about plenty more at Paul Baker's excellent web site Doll Soup, which I cannot recommend highly enough (Is the cheque in the post, Paul?)
Pictures taken from my personal collection and the following sites: